Doughty, Arthur [G.], "The Fortress of Quebec", Acta Victoriana, Toronto: Union Literary Society of Victoria University, Toronto, vol. 27, no. 3, (Dec.) 1903, pp. 150-159.
The first page of the article credits Arthur R. Doughty as the author. This was a typo as Arthur G. Doughty is listed as the author in, Acta Victoriana, 1878-1900: an index with a subject authority list, compiled by Linda Lazda and Valerie Veinotte, Toronto: Victoria University Library, 1990. The identity of the author as Arthur G. Doughty is further confirmed by his book entitled, The Fortress of Quebec, 1608-1903, published in 1904. The article appearing in Acta Victoriana (Dec.) 1903, would seem to be a preview to the book published in 1904, as much of the content in the article is also found in the book.
A digital copy of "The Fortress of Quebec", Acta Victoriana, 1903, available through Internet Archive ( was reviewed; select images are pictured above.