Doughty, A.G., An outline of the history of Canada arranged in periods from pre-Columbian discoveries until the present time with the manuscript and printed sources for each period, [Canada]: [A.G. Doughty], ca. 1923.
An unpublished typescript manuscript by A.G. Doughty which provided a tentative outline of a History of Canada with bibliographic sources. The typescript began with a bibliography under the heading of Discovery and Early Exploration which cited mainly secondary literature predominately published in the 1800s to 1913; the earliest date being [1480]. The initial bibliography was followed by a continuation of the outline of historic periods which included headings with an overview, for: Canada at the coming of the Europeans; Canada as a missionary field and fur preserve; the Expansion of New France; the Fall of France; British North America; the Settlement of the east under British rule; the Development of National Government; The Occupation of the Great West; Canadian Confederation; The Industrial Era; The Canadian Nation; and The Great War.
Following the outline, was a section entitled “Sources of the History of New France Regime. Manuscripts”, in which AGD provided an overview of sources in the Public Archives of Canada. The documents held by the Public Archives being typescripts of the originals in Paris and London were “calendared in various reports on Canadian Archives which are indicated at the proper place, but in the making of these calendars, it must be remembered that they are neither detailed or complete.” AGD then advised that “a summary knowledge of this collection is obtainable by consulting the ‘Guide to the Documents in the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives of Canada’”; volume 1 was published by the archives in 1914, and an anticipated subsequent volume was never published. Under this section, AGD used the headings Archives des colonies with references to the calendars that appeared in the Archives Reports for 1899 to 1905, as well as, a list of documents in the Provincial Archives at the Provincial Parliament House, Quebec which included original documents, guides, inventories, and secondary literature, dating from the 1500 up to 1912. The last section consisted of a typed page and an additional page of handwritten notes of Bibliographical Sources, which cited catalogues of collections including those of the Public Archives of Canada, published up to 1915.
While this typescript, consisting of 50 pages of text, is not dated; the date of the latest publication cited was 1915, with a reference to the publication by Biggar, “Voyages of Jacques Cartier” published in 1924 as “In the Press”. The historic periods covered the 1920s, such as, the election of WLM King in 1921 and possibly the 1923 Imperial Conference, a significant event in Canada’s imperial relations. The intent of this typescript is unknown. However, during this period of AGD’s career, he wrote several pieces which related to documenting Canadian history. Whether this manuscript was intended to be a publication on its own or in support of another publication, is not known.
Digital copy of the original held by LAC (OCLC #1007422787) was reviewed; select images are pictured above. Digital copy is available through LAC website (